Stop Sleeping On Your Right Side, See What It Does To You.

Incorrect sleeping postures frequently precipitate the emergence of some of the most significant and painful chronic illnesses, such as heartburn and back pain….CONTINUE READING

Everyone understands the significance of getting enough sleep each night. It has a significant impact on how you get out of bed in the morning and the rest of your day. If you’ve ever had a bad night, you know how bad the next day can be for you.

However, it is not only about how you feel. Things that are helpful for our bodies should receive our undivided attention. Given the importance of sleep in our daily lives, it is critical that we reconsider our sleeping habits. Today, I’ll provide you some information about the problems of sleeping on your right side, which I hope you’ll find useful.

1. If you continue to do this, it will harm your back and spine.

There has been a link made between sleeping in this posture and having chronic back discomfort. Because you tend to keep a lot of your weight in particular areas of your body when you’re in this position, your back and spine are put under a lot of unnecessary strain. There is a problem with the spine’s alignment. You may feel numb or need to stretch as you move from one spot to another. If you don’t think you’ll be able to sleep in another position, you can make this one more comfortable by altering it to match your spine’s natural curvature. You should be fine if you put two pillows under your body—one under your pelvis and one under each of your head and shoulders.

2. It promotes indigestion and heartburn.

When you lie flat on your right side, you increase your chances of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It is also probable that it will exacerbate the situation for those who are already dealing with it.

The contents of the stomach are carried up into the esophagus by acid from the stomach. The valve that ordinarily prevents stomach acid from flowing back into the stomach is unable to control reflux in these conditions due to the pull of gravity. The contents of the stomach are then sent to the esophagus, where they are digested. This might result in chest pain, acid reflux, discomfort, a bitter aftertaste in the mouth, and foul breath. Individuals may also get heartburn in specific circumstances….CONTINUE READING