Switzerland Orders Immediate Halt To Covid Vaccinations: ‘Does More Harm Than Good’

Switzerland has ordered an immediate halt to Covid-19 vaccinations and withdrawn all vaccination recommendations. Doctors are only permitted to administer the controversial vaccines in exceptional cases and under specific conditions, but they will bear the risk of liability for vaccination-related damage….CONTINUE READING

According to the vaccination recommendation released by the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) and the Federal Commission for Vaccination Issues (EKIF) on April 3, which can be accessed on this website, this is the current situation:

Vaccination is only possible in individual and unique cases – namely:

However, there is no specific vaccination recommendation provided even for individuals who are at risk.

The BAG’s recommendations could alter if there is a new wave of outbreaks; however, the document states that vaccinations are no longer recommended for individuals under the age of 65, even in such circumstances.

According to the Swiss government, there is no favorable risk-benefit ratio, as stated in the comments on “Adverse Vaccine Reactions.”

In the case of the valid non-recommendation, this essentially means that there is no longer a positive benefit-risk ratio for any Covid vaccination.

The new recommendations also have consequences for liability. This is what the BAG document on the Covid vaccination strategy

(as of November 29th, 2022) says:

However, the federal government only stepped in if the damage was not covered by the vaccine manufacturer, the person vaccinating or an insurance company. The person vaccinating – i.e. generally the doctor – can be held liable if he has breached his duty of care. In this context, it is pointed out that the same rules regarding patient information apply to the Covid vaccination as to all other vaccinations.

Very few doctors are likely to have informed their patients about all the risks and side effects and the limited effectiveness of the Covid vaccinations. For doctors, the justification of vaccinations is becoming more difficult due to the changed recommendations, according to a BAG document on liability issues:

The Weltwoche

reports that from now on doctors will be liable for deaths and injuries resulting from vaccinations – which means that their willingness to vaccinate is likely todecrease significantly….CONTINUE READING