Teeth and gums, here are the remedies that help prevent and fight inflammation and pain

First aid remedies for toothache and tips to prevent and treat receding gums, inflamed and bleeding gums and dental plaqueToothache, bleeding or receding gums, these are some of the problems that can afflict the oral cavity, and us as a result. It’s always important to refer to your dentist but, while waiting for the visit or as long-term prevention, let’s see which allies we can count on.

Toothache and irritation of the oral cavity, first aid remediesA clove chewed in the area that causes pain and then left in place or even the use of clove oil, applied pure on the sore part, are powerful toothache remedies. In fact, these remedies contain eugenol, which acts as a local pain reliever, as well as an anti-inflammatory (Kumarswamy et al, Contemp Clin Dent, 2016).

An additional help in case of toothache is given by mint, which is analgesic (Taheri et al, Int Dent J, 2011). You can apply a freshly used mint tea bag to prepare an infusion and, after waiting for it to cool down or at least warm up, you can place it on the aching tooth (Taheri et al, Int Dent J, 2011).

However, it should be emphasized that the soothing action of these remedies exposed here is only temporary, if the toothache persists it is necessary to consult a doctor. Instead, if the problem concerns the palate, which can present ulcers or irritations, then a remedy to stimulate healing is given by rinsing with water and salt (Huynh et al, PLoS One, 2016).

You can add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and use it as a rinse.Inflamed gums and oral cavity health, what to doThe best prevention of gingivitis is certainly good oral hygiene, with the use of the toothbrush at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day.

However, sometimes extra help may be needed, and help comes, as always, from the world of nature. Rinsing with aloe vera, in particular with 100% aloe juice, is a remedy proven by scientific studies useful for the health of the oral cavity and gums.

In fact, aloe vera is able to reduce, after a couple of months of treatment, gingival bleeding and to inhibit the proliferation of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, one of the causes of periodontitis. As a result, rinses based on aloe gel are able to counteract inflammation of the gums and the formation of plaque (Cruz Martinez et al, Pharm Biol, 2017).

Not only that, even the use of aloe vera-based toothpastes has been shown to reduce tooth plaque with results comparable to those obtained by brushing teeth with fluoride toothpastes (Sayar et al, J Contemp Dent Pract, 2021).

Mouthwashes with clove oil, two drops in a glass of warm water, can also come in handy when it comes to taking care of the oral cavity. Indeed, this oil counteracts periodontitis and caries (Kumarswamy et al, Contemp Clin Dent, 2016).

Rinses with green tea, prepared by infusing a teaspoon of green tea in 100 ml of water for ten minutes and then filtering, have proven effective in reducing tooth plaque already after a month of treatment (Sarin et al, Oral Health Prev Dent, 2010).

Finally, one of the best known and most effective remedies for reducing tooth plaque and gingivitis is oil pulling, which consists of rinsing the oral cavity for at least 5 minutes with a vegetable oil, such as coconut oil or sesame oil (Asokan et al, Indian J Dent Res, 2009).

Receding gums, possible treatmentsReceding gums can cause tooth sensitivity, toothache and neuralgia and, in the most serious and long-term cases, even tooth loss.

There are several causes that can lead to receding gums. For example, brushing your teeth too hard or with a toothbrush with too hard bristles. In fact, it is always better to choose a soft bristle toothbrush.

Other causes may be dentures that do not fit well, and therefore in this case it is absolutely important to consult a doctor to stop receding gums, or conditions such as neglected periodontitis.

So, all the remedies that aim to reduce inflammation and plaque can help, you can refer to the previous paragraph which explains the effectiveness of rinses based on aloe, clove oil, green tea and oil pulling to reduce tooth plaque.

Finally, even the diet has its say. In fact, including in your diet foods rich in omega 3, such as fatty fish, walnuts, flax and chia seeds, or omega 3 supplements, but in the latter case it is important to ask your doctor for advice, have been shown to improve the attachment of the gum to the tooth and to reduce the depth of the gingival pocket, which if not contained can cause tooth loss (Deore et al, J Periodontal Implant Sci., 2014). Blueberries also strengthen the gums (Singh et al, J Ayurveda Integr Med, 2011).