The best remedy for fatigue and lack of energy

Do you feel tired and without energy? Don’t sit but move! In fact, even if at first glance the opposite might seem true, tiredness and fatigue are counteracted with regular physical activity, even of low intensity….CONTINUE READING

Do not you believe it? So let’s try to understand what a very interesting research carried out a few years ago by scientists from the University of Georgia and published in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics states (Puetz et al, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2008).

We can all feel tiredThe feeling of tiredness and lack of energy is a very common condition, even in the absence of illness. In fact, nowadays it is easy to get sucked into a stressful lifestyle or not be able to sleep well. As a result, we can feel chronically drained and tired, thus preferring to sit on the sofa rather than do physical activity, which is very healthy but which, at least in our beliefs, would leave us even more tired. But is it really like that? Let’s see what the American research says.Moving to recover energy, the studyScientists from the University of Georgia recruited 36 young adults, all healthy, sedentary and with a persistent feeling of tiredness and lack of energy. The study participants were divided into three groups. The first group did not have to follow any recommendations and was used as a comparison. The second group was asked to carry out low intensity physical activity sessions for 20 minutes, three times a week for 6 weeks, such as walking at a normal pace. The third group was asked to carry out moderate intensity physical activity sessions for 20 minutes, three times a week for 6 weeks, such as walking at a brisk pace even uphill. Well, what emerged was that those who had carried out physical activity of any intensity could experience an increase in energy of up to 20% compared to the comparison group. Not only that, tiredness was also reduced, by 65% in the case of the group that had carried out low intensity physical activity and by 49% in the case of the group that had carried out moderate intensity physical activity. The explanation given by scientists for this small gap is that moderate intensity physical activity did not allow full recovery in those who led a sedentary lifestyle and already felt fatigued.

ConclusionsThe best way to counteract tiredness and lack of energy is to move, be it a walk, a light exercise bike session or a swim, based on our habits, attitudes and possibilities. Carrying out light physical activity, without exaggerating, does not drain our energy but recharges and restores us….CONTINUE READING