The Hammer Of Karma: Oh God, May I Not Cry Like OUK

My heartfelt and earnest prayer recently has been,… God please, may I not cry like OUK – Orji Uzor Kalu. Chief Dr Orji Uzor Kalu (mmiri riri-enyi of Igbo land) is a recurring name in the nation’s political firmament. To many, Orji Uzor Kalu is a microcosm of a fallen  standard of Nigerian politics, even though I take exception to this….CONTINUE READING

Recently, Senator Orji Uzor Kalu broke  down in tears at the floor of the Nigerian Senate when he realised that his senate Presidential ambition hit the Olumo rock and  died a natural death. He shed tears like a baby whose mouth was abruptly withdrawn from his mother’s breast. It was at that point the Igbere-born politician realized that the country is not “fair to some of us”. When Orji Uzor Kalu was seeing his people being thrown under the bus, he was busy clapping and singing hallelujah and hosanna to the highest.

It is not surprising that today, the same mouth Orji Uzor Kalu used in singing hallelujah for those he called his friends against the peace and interest of his people, is still the same mouth he used in shedding tears at the floor of the Senate. That is the wrath of “ofo na ogu”. When the bunch of gross marginalisation and injustice were being thrown left and right on the Igbos by the same government of which Orji Uzor Kalu was part of, he was not bothered and never raised a voice in condemnation, rather he joined the chorus. To him it was a snipe of politics.

During the 8-year tenure of Buhari’s administration, Igbos were in excruciating pains, delusional deflection, perpetual strangulation and were uncontrollably shedding stream of blood-filled tears, but not even Orji Uzor could offer a word of consolation, rather he was busy blowing the trumpet of denial against Igbo interest. One thing I know for sure is that, a day will come, when  Karma will knock on the door. I know it will come with a hammer to knock men down in judgement. That is the hammer of Karma, who can escape its drama? Fear Karma!. No wonder, when Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians about Karma he said ” Be not deceived; God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap”. Good or bad, each and every one of us must reap the fruit of our deeds, for there is no indulgence in karma.

The Orji Uzor Kalu experience should be a lesson for all of us especially those Igbo politicians that will have the opportunity of working and dining with this present administration. In all they do , they should avoid being used to  betray their people. They should remember that one day the hammer of Karma will be knocking at the door looking for whom to knock down in judgement. Dr Ogbonnaya Onu earlier realized this, he shed tears for the Igbos and raised his voice shouting “Where is the justice!.

My prayer in that, in every situation, may God not allow me to cry like OUK….CONTINUE READING