The Simple Prescription for a Good Life: Be Generous

What’s the answer to life? I mean, come on, can’t we simplify this whole quest for meaning around one succinct, easy-to-do quick fix?

I’ve pondered this question for some time and concluded that the answer is yes. Yes, there is one answer to all of life’s burning questions. It’s been sitting right in front of us for our whole lives. It’s both profound and simple. It’s also actionable.

The answer to life is “Be Generous.”

Be generous with your time, money, love, and affirmations.

“Perhaps the simplest, most powerful moral question is this: Am I a net giver or a net taker?” writes Chris Anderson, CEO of the famous TED talks, in his new book Infectious Generosity: The Ultimate Idea Worth Spreading. Engaging in some self-reflection around his question, am I a net giver or a net taker, as Measured by the people we’ve hurt versus the people we’ve helped, the resources we’ve consumed versus those we’ve protected, the ugliness versus the beauty.

There is nothing that catches people’s attention more than generosity, as expressed in human actions. Don’t we all love a good listener? You know the…