These 3 reasons are why women put on weight after marriage

It’s a commonly observed phenomenon that many women tend to undergo weight fluctuations following marriage. While societal norms often view it as a sign of good care from their spouses, the reasons behind these changes are diverse.

1. Emotional Comfort: Marriage brings a sense of emotional security and comfort, leading to lifestyle alterations. The honeymoon phase, cozy evenings, and shared moments often involve indulging in food, contributing to weight gain.
2. Hormonal Changes: Committed relationships trigger emotional shifts that can affect brain chemistry. The release of oxytocin, the ‘love hormone,’ can influence weight retention.
3. Shifting Priorities: Pre-marriage, self-care, and fitness might have been top priorities. However, post-marriage, the focus often shifts to celebrating the new life and the associated pleasures, leading to less time for exercise and more time in the kitchen.
4. Increased Responsibilities: Marriage comes with additional responsibilities, from running a household to raising a family. These new demands may leave little time for personal health and weight management.
5. Pregnancy: Many couples decide to start a family after marriage. Pregnancy introduces significant bodily changes, including increased appetite and food cravings. Expectant mothers often gain weight due to the needs of their growing baby, and physical activity can become challenging as the pregnancy progresses.

These factors, individually or in combination, contribute to weight changes in women following marriage. It’s a natural part of life’s journey.”