These Are Things That Bring Pimples You Must Stop Doing

Pimples are a skin problem for many Kenyans, and are mostly brought by our day to day activities, that we undertake not knowing, that we expose our faces to bacterias that causes pimples. In this article, I want to share with you some of behaviours, that leads to the development of pimples in our skin, and which must be avoided so as to regain a healthy smooth skin. Let us dive in;

1. Regularly touching your face with your hands

Hands are one of the most dirtiest human organs in the human body, due to the fact that they come into contact with many germs and bacterias, in our day to day activities. Regularly touching our faces with the same hands, transfers this bacteria and germs causing pimples.

2. Touching your face with a phone during a phone call.

Some people say that your phone is dirtier than your toilet seat, and this is due to the fact that it goes collecting germs from everywhere. When now you receive a phone call, and you put your phone against your face, it will transfer these germs and bacterias causing pimples.

3. Being exposed to the sun for a long time than necessary

Even if sun is believed to be a great source of Vitamin D, that our bodies require, excessive exposure to the same may lead to excessive dryness, of our skins and hence they tend to remove a lot of oil, that may subsequently cause pimples development on our skins.

4. Putting on sweaty garments

Wearing clothes with sweat for a long time, gives bacterias and germs, a good habitat for bleeding and multiplying, which will make pimples develop around that part of the skin.

5. Keeping your beddings dirty.

While one is sleeping, he/she tends to remove sweat and some times saliva, from the mouth and if these bedsheets, bedcovers and pillows are not washed, these dirt may pile up causing development of pimples on your skin.

6. Stress can also act as a factor

When one is stressed and overwhelmed, he/she tends to generate more oil, from the skin and this oil while it piles up on skin, it may cause pimples

7. Cleaning your face for long than necessary

Cleaningness is considered as the best way of keeping our selves healthy, but excessive cleaning of our face, can lead it to dry and hence produce oil, that may be harmful to our faces leading to pimples.

Here are some of the preventive measures;

Use anti bacterial soaps while washing your face, and also it is advisable from medical practitioners, that one should wash his/her face twice a day, to keep a good balance between hygiene, and maintaining oil levels on the skin.

We can therefore conclude and say that the way of prompting a healthy and smooth skin, is by taking caution while we are in our day to day activities, and by avoiding these habits that promote development of pimples, on our skins, you will have a healthy and a skin with no pimples.