Things men do that make women feel safe

Not all men are scum, it’s the men you have met and heard of that probably are. There are things men do that make women feel safe around them. These things sometimes require effort and intentionality..…CONTINUE READING

No one deserves to feel uneasy around anyone. We are in a society where women are seen as weaker vessels who deserve to be ‘dominated’ by men, regardless of their (women’s) opinions, dreams, aspirations, and potential.

We’re in that era where people, especially men, are being taught how to treat women regardless of what system of ideas they may have held on to for too long. Women do not deserve to feel unsafe around men because of their gender.
1. Respect her opinion and her choices

It is not out of place for a man to respect a woman’s choices even if he does not agree with them. There is the stereotype of women as weak humans, subject to the commands of a man; regardless of who he is. Women are naturally seen as weaker vessels, whose opinions and choices should not be listened to or given much importance.

Women don’t feel safe because men are not trained to show up and genuinely respect their opinions. That’s why you’ll see men talking anyhow to their female colleagues. But when her opinions are respected by you, it gives her a sense of safety around you. She sees you as different and not like the stereotypes.
2. Address her respectfully

Blame it on the stereotypes created by society, but men believe that they are superior and do not need to address the ‘inferior’ creatures; women, with respect. Women feel safe around men who know how to address them and women alike with respect.

When you speak to a woman respectfully, it makes her feel safe. Some men have the habit of speaking with a woman in a rude manner, and addressing her with a sense of entitlement and pride. There are some men that don’t know the right way to use words. They throw caution to the wind when it comes to addressing them.
3. Committed to growth

A woman, whether she is in a relationship with a man or not, would feel safe around a man who is committed to growth. Any man who is not given to growth or has a fixed mindset should be feared. First, he is a proud man, and secondly, he will do stupid things to you with so much pride in his heart and still think that he is on track. More often than not, a man is often identified as an opinionated person.

A man that is given to growth is thoughtful because he is given to things that will make him better. A man that is truly given to growth will not exhibit traits of illiteracy. He’ll know better to treat people with respect and see women in a more sensible light.
4. Being accountable to someone

Women feel safe around men who have people they are accountable to. It gives them the sense of being around someone who is not without guidance. A man who is not accountable to anyone or submissive to guidance is likely to give off the vibe that nothing can be done to him.
5. Consciously gives himself to healing from past hurts

He takes responsibility for healing from the past. He does not go about blaming happenings in his life on the past and making statements like, “This is how I am. I cannot change.” “The past made me like this.” “I cannot apologise even if I’m wrong.” He who takes the responsibility of healing himself to become a better version of himself is someone you can feel safe around.
6. You communicate your thoughts expressly

A man that expressly talks about how he feels instead of acting up when something is up is the real deal. A woman would feel safe around a man who communicates clearly rather than use his actions to confuse her. She would rather stay away from you because you are unpredictable and she wouldn’t know what to expect from you.
7. Pay attention to details

A woman would feel safe around you when you are attentive to details. She knows for sure that she can bank on you because you are attentive to things that pertain to her. She knows that you will put in the work to understand her. She knows that you will show up because you are attentive. She knows that she’ll be respected and not treated as weak. Why? Because you listen to her and you are attentive..…CONTINUE READING