Ways To Soften Your Cervix For Birth Naturally

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but at the end of the road you’ve got a huge undertaking ahead of you. As your delivery date approaches, we’re sure you’ve read up on just about everything to make your delivery easier and less stressfulCONTINUE READING

And although you can’t do much but make a delivery plan and hope for the best in those final moments, you can start prepping your body for the birth long before you are supposed to go into labor.

Cervical dilation and effacements are two things that are necessary in order to make a vaginal birth successful

( 1). But the process isn’t always as smooth sailing as one would hope. Nearing the end of your third trimester, your cervix will start to slowly soften and begin the process of effacing, which is thinning and stretching of your cervix , as well as dilating which is opening of the cervix. This is crucial so that the baby can pass through the birth canal. And there are ways to ensure that your cervix is soft, stretchy and ready to give birth. If you’d like to know more on this topic, keep reading!

Cervical softening is one of those phenomenons that you may not feel happening to you because it can be hard to detect what exactly is going on in your cervix. But that being said, as you progress through your pregnancy, there are certain symptoms that may arise that will indicate that your cervix has started to soften, and you must learn to read these signs as your labor draws closer. One of these symptoms that is easily recognisable is the increased flow of vaginal discharge or losing your mucus plug, which can either be lost all at once or in small segments

( 2). Another popular symptom is mild cramps or pressure similar to menstrual pains. But it’s perfectly fine if you don’t feel anything at all. Women usually don’t experience any noticeable cervix softening symptoms so there’s no need to worry.

As your due date starts to get closer you’d probably like to stimulate cervical ripening from the comfort of your own home. And thankfully, it’s possible to do so. The best way to go about this is to slowly encourage your baby to get into the correct position to exit the birth canal. Your baby needs to be placed head down, facing your back, chin tucked into their chest and pressing against your cervix

( 3). This is because the pressure from your baby’s head being placed in the right position will produce prostaglandins which acts as a signal to your body to start contractions and soften your cervix

( 4).It’s common for many pregnant women to stand in a wide stance with their feet splayed apart. But bringing your feet parallel to each other instead can help separate the sitz bones which can open up the pelvis and even coax your baby into the correct position

( 5).Exercise is your bestfriend when gearing up to give birth. So get your hands on an exercise ball or birthing ball and start to rock, bounce and rotate your hips. This will ensure that they remain flexible and will help open up the cervix which can help speed up cervical dilation. Besides, it can be a lot of fun!

If bouncing on a birthing ball seems like far too much of a chore for you, simply work on your balance. Even something as simple as balancing your own body can be taxing while pregnant so start slow. You can try standing with your hips in line with your ankles instead of curving your back and pushing your belly out. And try not to slouch while sitting. It’s all these small things that make a huge difference in softening your cervix over time.

Some people believe that ingesting herbal remedies such as red raspberry leaf tea, black and blue cohosh, and evening primrose oil can help ripen the cervix in time for labor. But of course it is best to ask your doctor before you take any of these remedies so that you can be sure that it is safe for you and the baby.

The idea of labor can be daunting and intimidating but it doesn’t have to be. There are ways in which you can prepare your body slowly in order to make a natural birth easier. So, work on softening your cervix and stay healthy!CONTINUE READING