What Is The Worst Time To Have Intimacy With Your Partner?

Intimacy is a vital part of a healthy relationship, and it can foster a deep emotional connection between two people. However, it is important to be mindful of the timing as some situations can make intimacy difficult or unpleasant.

When it comes to timing, there are a few scenarios in which having intimate contact with your partner is probably best avoided…..CONTINUE READING

One of the worst times to have intimate contact with your partner is when one or both of you is not feeling well. This might mean physical illness, such as a cold, or it could refer to mental health issues like depression or anxiety.

Intimacy requires both people to be feeling their best and capable of focusing on the moment and enjoying their partner.

When one or both of you is feeling under the weather it can be difficult to make that connection, meaning the experience may be less enjoyable than usual.

Additionally, it is not a great idea to attempt to be intimate when the two of you are fighting. This can be especially true if the argument happened just before or during the moment when you were hoping to connect. Intense emotions can make it difficult to connect on a deeper level, and so this is best avoided for the sake of both partners’ mental wellbeing.

It is also usually a good idea to avoid intimate contact if either of you has recently consumed alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse can interfere with the emotional connection that you are trying to create, as well as impacting judgment. While having the occasional glass of wine or beer together can be pleasant and make you more relaxed, if either of you has overindulged it is best to wait until the following day.

According to webmd, Another time to avoid intimacy is when either of you is feeling especially stressed. Again, this interferes with the emotional connection that you are hoping to have, and means that the experience may be unsatisfying. It is normal to feel overwhelmed by stress in our lives, but it is necessary to take the time to go through and reduce it first before attempting to engage in intimacy.

Finally, it is worth noting that it can be difficult to be intimate when either of you is struggling to adjust to a major life change, be it college, a new job, or any other such situation. Again, this can interfere with the emotional connection and make it difficult to enjoy the moment fully.

In conclusion, it is important to be mindful of the timing when it comes to intimacy with your partner. There are many scenarios in which it is best avoided, such as when either of you is not feeling well, when you are fighting, have consumed alcohol, are feeling stressed, or adjusting to a major life change. If any of these scenarios applies, it is in everyone’s interests to wait a while until you can both focus on the connection that you can have together…..CONTINUE READING