What To Do Immediately After Having Sex With HIV Positive Partner

The risk of transmission must be reduced as soon as possible if you have had s£xual contact with a HIV-positive partner.

According to Medicalnewstoday, here are what you should do immediately after having sex with HIV positive person:…..CONTINUE READING

1. Seek for medical assistance

Consult a medical expert with experience treating HIV patients right away for advice on your health.

They can provide you the right advice based on your particular situation and the particulars of the personal contact.

2. Take PEP

PEP is a drug regimen that can assist in lowering the risk of HIV transmission following potential exposure.

It should begin as quickly as possible, ideally within 72 hours following the s£xual experience, and is normally taken for 28 days.

If used properly, PEP can greatly lower the risk of HIV transmission even though it is not 100% effective.

3. Get tested for s£xually transmitted diseases

Getting tested for other diseases including syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and hepatitis is crucial because people with HIV may be more susceptible to contracting other STIs.

If necessary, this will ensure that you receive the proper care and help stop the spread of the infection.

4. Educate yourself

Learn as much as you can about HIV, how it spreads, how to prevent it, and the available treatments.

Obtain the most recent information from reliable sources, such as healthcare professionals or recognized organizations that focus on HIV/AIDS, to stay informed.

5. Seek support

It can be upsetting to learn that you may have been exposed to HIV. To address your worries and get emotional support, you can think about contacting a sympathetic friend, partner, or healthcare provider.

6. Follow up with regular testing

To protect your continuous health and well-being, it’s crucial to continue receiving routine HIV tests in the future.

You should always get customized medical counsel from a licensed healthcare provider for the most appropriate direction because the steps to take after having intimacy with an HIV + partner may change based on the circumstances…..CONTINUE READING