Why do I give birth to big babies?

I am a mother of three, all delivered through C-section. The first was 3.9kgs, the second 4.1kgs and third 4.5kgs. Although I eat very little during pregnancy, all my children weigh more than expected. Why? Erina….CONTINUE READING
Dear Erina,

Your caesarean section deliveries could be because of other reasons not related to the size of your babies. It is likely that because you carry large babies, compared to the inner size of your pelvis where the babies have to exit from, caesarean sections have had to be done to minimise associated risks or injury to your birth canal and the foetus.


Cephalopelvic disproportion happens when a baby being born has a relatively bigger head or body that it is too large to be born through the smaller mother’s pelvis.

Whereas genetic factors may be important in determining how big a foetus being born may be, obesity in the mother before and during pregnancy or even undiscovered diabetes (gestational diabetes) can lead to increased baby weight (foetal macrosomia).

A history of foetal macrosomia means a mother is at a bigger risk of giving birth to big babies since the risk increases with each pregnancy and with a mother’s age.

It is true that every mother and caesarean section is different, making it possible for some mothers to undergo even six or more C-sections without any medical problems. However, it is important for you to limit your caesarean sections to the maximum number of three.

Visit your doctor for a general examination, including ruling out having diabetes (or its risk). You will also be advised on the most appropriate family planning method. The doctor will also advise on required lifestyle adjustments, including diet and physical exercise for you and your children.

Should I be worried by my hypotension or hypertension?

I suffer from hypotension. What can I do to keep it in check? Tony
Dear Tony

Hypotension (or low blood pressure) means one’s blood pressure is less than normal (say below 90/60mmhg).

Many times, this may be due to another condition such as overdosing with hypertension drugs, a heart problem or a nutritional condition. However, in some people, this may happen without any other problem making it harmless.

Hypotension may be a blessing since this kind of pressure does not put a strain on the heart, hence reducing the likelihood of heart disease, a major cause of death in humans.

High blood pressure or hypertension is when one’s pressure is higher than normal (greater than 130/85 mmhg). This is a major cause of death due to its complications on the heart, leading to heart failure or on blood vessels leading to stroke, among other complications.

Sometimes, hypotension may be discovered by accident or when one is having symptoms such as dizziness, headache, light headedness, palpitations, general weakness, digestive disturbances, shortness of breath or failure to concentrate, which usually accompany low blood pressure.

If in such cases there is no found association such as heart failure, anaemia, perpetual, dehydration or nutritional disturbances, it should be taken as a blessing likely to increase ones’ lifespan and left alone. If it occurs because of another condition or disease, then correcting the condition will make one feel better….CONTINUE READING