You Kill Your Brain Cells Rapidly With These 4 Stupid Everyday Activities

Little habits have a big impact on your health. Your daily routine affects your brain health more than you realize. We live in the busiest time in history. There’s so much to get done that we barely have time to relax and recoup as we overwork our brains daily.

Your stressful routine leads to taxing habits that wreck your brain health. These are the five deadly habits that have been normalized by society

1. The Sweet Trap That You Need To Escape

We are all submerged in the land of sugar. It’s in everything. You can’t escape this sweet trap.

Your brain runs on glucose, it consumes half of the sugar energy in the body, so low blood glucose can disrupt your attention span and cognition.

But excess glucose consumption is more harmful in the long run as it can wreck your memory and lead to cognitive deficiencies.

A regular human consumes more than twice the recommended amount of sugar daily. Your taste buds are triggered if you don’t get your daily dose of sugar.

You are addicted to sugar and you don’t even know it. Packaged goods are dripping in fructose since the 1970s.

The cheap readily available sugar option paired with a lack of self-control will be our death.

Your taste buds are making you stupid and lethargic as right now we are eating more sugar than our body can utilize.

So, control your cravings by cutting out at least one sweet treat from your diet for better brain function.
Here’s what you can do:-

Replace your unhealthy processed treats with fruits and dark chocolate.
Try to reduce your soft drink intake, as it’s nothing but fizz and sugar.
Follow the one sweet treat rule a day.

2. You Kill Your Productivity With This Habit Daily

My optometrist was appalled when I told him my daily screen time. He told me.